Monday, March 9, 2009

Little Miss Lilly

Here are just a few of my friend's new baby. She didn't want to stay sleeping or eat or anything just didn't like to be naked but she finally did it. Hope you see these... Since you've been bugging me.... haha. I'll bring the c.d. over in the next day or so, For some reason none of the really cute black and white would upload.


  1. So cute, Jes looks great! And Lilly is beautiful. You've really got a talent Kaylee!

  2. lilly is so tiny and cute. you can tell jes was excited to get a girl for those headbands and bows! lol. nice work on the pictures kaylee, they turned out great.

  3. great indeed! I can't believe how much she looks like Jes!

  4. So cute Kaylee, I thought I commented before but I guess not. Good job! By the way when are you going to start selling your bows. I don't have the time anymore and I love yours!

  5. Those are amazing are really good!!!
