Friday, June 19, 2009


Here are Houston's last day of preschool pics, their trip to the firehall... He loved it and now when we drive by asks if we can go again right now.
The whole class it was a little sunny


  1. Too Cute! Love your pictures. Loved the preggo kiddo ones, loved the b-day ones, lovin' these ones, and loving your little belly! Congrats! Three is no biggie!

  2. can i just say how much i love that you have something written on your hand? after all these years, you are still doing that?!? I love it. brings back memories. that is a great picture of you with houston and kodi by the green truck. super cute.

  3. What kid doesn't like to go to the fire hall? Those pictures are precious!

  4. eeks, that wasn't ryan leaving that comment . .. might be kinda creepy if it was . . .sorry didn't notice I was signed in under his name. LOL
