Tuesday, September 22, 2009

...belly pics...

I took a few maternity pics for my sis in law while I was in Raymond, before both our babies come, I've got about three weeks and she's a couple after that... now we'll both just wait till they make their arrivals...


  1. cute. i love that second picture. where can i get that sweater when i get preggo again? lol. super cute. i want to see more, with her cute face in them!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. cute, ya where's her face? lol Love the dress one in the collage.

  4. sorry i didn't know what pics she'd want me to put up so i didn't put any up of her face really... they're are cute ones but sometimes people are picky!!! she'll put some on facebook when she gets c.d.

  5. I love the sun flare on the last one...and the dress!
