Thursday, June 16, 2011


here's our little announcement..., ya #4 is on it's way. Don't know how this happened actually I do (I'm not that dumb) but I guess I better get ready to have 4 kids running wild in my trailer!!! 4 sounds quite scary, but the kids are super excited and I guess I'm getting there... slowly. ;) Anyways if you didn't know now you do. Kaylee


  1. I knew it wouldn't be long for you! It is definitely possible, more possible than I thought! :)
    So excited for you and congrats a million!!
    Hope you update your blog more often now!! ha

  2. I love the "I don't know how this happened" and "this scares me a little" lines.
    and the oreo cookies!
    I could tell you were pregnant this week, but only because I was looking for it now! So happy for you guys!

  3. I love the ultrasound with the cookies. So cute. You definitely make cute kids so why not keep having more. We are excited to meet the newest little ralph! Congrats!

  4. Congrats! Love the announcement! :)

  5. I don't know how you ever keep it a secret this long. Probably cause you're so tiny. I am always so ill that I have to tell early, or people will guess anyway.

    Scary is right, but you can do it! Maybe I'll get to see you in a couple of weeks?!?

  6. I had no idea! I'm so excited for all of us preggos!
