feeding the ducks...

see the monkey's hand... story below....

So I had to add the monkey pics,,,, story.... not good clear pics, so foggy in there that day my lense was fogged up. all of a sudden baby gorilla runs over to houston and kodi at glass starts banging on it at them then starts kissing glass and tracing houston's hand and fingers around it.... so sweet wish i'da had my video camera

cutest boy and baby... i am biased though...

love her...

Don't anyone tell Brett this is on here or he will kill me dead!!!! i was threatened with my life... honest
Love little toes

i can't believe how fast they grow.... actually i should say i hate how fast they grow... quincee is now 2 months old and isn't "newborn" anymore... i classify newborn when they finish nursing and u hold them against you to burp them and their whole body scrunches right up into you... well she doesn't do that anymore even though i push her legs up to make her kind of do it. i wish we could have them stay in the newborn phase for at least six months i mean come on that's not much to ask for since we carry them around and get fat for them for 10 months, right. it's crazy to think houston is already four, kodi two and a half and feels like i just brought houston home from the hospital. now it's three! i think i take it for granted too trying to hurry and get things done, clean the house, do the laundry, make dinner, etc. all those things won't be important in ten years when i'm wishing i still had little kids and babies around. so i've decided to let things go, not worry about the mess till they're all gone.... because then i'll be sad if i didn't just sit and play with them, or read to them, or just watch them grow up. so mostly this post is just a warning sign... "MESSY HOUSE" don't mind it if you stop by.... so quincee is getting bigger everyday, growing out of clothes and diapers, making me sad. kodi is acting so much more like a big girl, sad too, and houston is the oldest and i wish he was still a baby sometimes too. they both say funny things everyday and make us laugh, my dad has a new pool table and i picked up a pool stick the other night and my dad says, "this is for boys!" kodi asked him "grampa, why's it just for boys?" he told her, "girls are supposed to be up in the kitchen getting us chips and pop and food." she says, "that'd be good!" (one of her favorite sayings) then a few minutes later she's playing piano with my mom and my dad stands by them she looks at him and says "this is for GIRLS!" we all laughed at that. houston is in love with horse racing right now, all he thinks about, he has all the horse racing blankets memorized with the numbers that are on them. only real positive about it is he knows his numbers really good now. i just have to make sure he never finds out you can bet on the horses, he's a really poor loser so i doubt betting the races would help.... well i haven't been on the blog seen for awhile now, three's keeping me busy, moving, unpacking, organizing my house, and getting ready for xmas which is only two weeks away!!! ahhhhh.... but i'm loving having a new baby around and so are the kids! merry christmas!!!