Oh she is stinking cute! And she reminds me of Quincee with the faces she can pull! She was so good for her pictures with her mom and dad. She looks like her dad but has her moms cute littleness to her. I also loved her whole outfit, the whole family looked awesome, and thanks to Gramma for her help entertaining this energetic one year old! Quincee and Ally are about a week apart. Enjoy her she rocks!!!
for Halloween photos. But I'm going to be 'trying' to put my family's life back on the blog too. Since I'm hoping to find the time to set up a photography blog this winter... we'll see. Anyways here's my cute little pumkins on Halloween. And the Ralph grandkids, ya me and Amy are cool like that. Usually I take one with Lynz's kids too but they were undressed by time I saw them... happy late halloween
this baby will be coming out... this will be the sixth grandkid on my family's side. this is my sister, she looks good huh... these i took about a month ago she's now a week overdue waiting and waiting to meet this little one which will be a girl or a boy. i'm voting boy but we'll see! and here are it's brother and sister too, waiting to squish it too much!! especially lucy! also i'm giving credit to mandy for the picture in front of barn, lynz wanted it really bad so we had to use your idea! thanks mandy hope you don't care!;)
i took this family's photos a few weeks ago. And they've been so patient through my computer troubles... thanks. You guys were great! Enjoy that darling new grandbaby!!! He's a doll. Good luck not spoiling him... ;)