Kodi is 4! No I can't believe it. It goes by way too fast. We had a party for her, just family, maybe a friend one next year, she needs some friends first...;) She was sick when I took her pics so don't judge her squinty eyes. She loves being outside, doing anything Gramma Dana is doing, chores, mowing, riding, fixing fences, piddling around, anything to not be inside. She loves babies, mothering Quincee and Lucy. Bossing them too. She is usually good tempered but when she suddenly gets mad she's mad and "SHE"S NOT TALKING!!!" So don't bug her. She has really soft feelings something I'm not so I guess that's why I got her, so I'd learn to deal with it... I don't cry. She likes too. She doesn't like to be yelled at and her feelings get hurt easy. She's got a lot of spunk though, and holds her own if she needs to. She does have Houston to bug her all day! We love her and can't believe she's growing up so fast!!!! She's going to preschool in fall and I"m going to die with trusting Houston to get her there off the bus!!! AHHH....

shut up...she's 4!! this is the cutest thing ever, no SHE is the cutest thing ever!! I'm dying that you take these pictures of your kids....she's such a cutie, give her a spank for me!!
Such cute pictures! Also it's settled, you're decorating for Ally's next birthday since I'll be ready to pop! I'm not taking no for an answer :)
happy birthday Kodi!
The pictures of her are beautiful!
(and yes, your decorating was amazing. It looked like something out of a magazine - I had to look twice to make sure it was real!)
Holy cute! These are the birthday I love! Love the cake too! She's adorable. Happy Birthday to her!!
Ok that cake is AMAZING! Happy Birthday Kodi!
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