So we've had an interesting few weeks, first Kodi was on my mom's back deck that doesn't have a railing yet and fell off onto her head onto hard packed dirt and rocks (5ft. high) so that resulted in huge bump and trip to get xrays and an overnight stay in hospital for observation, she's good besides the leftover black eyes, the swelling left her head and went to her eyes... Then the next week Houston had to go get his dental work done and be put under general anesthetic. They put him to sleep at 9am and finished at 11:30 but never woke up besides to say with his eyes closed, I'm thirsty, so into car to head home, into his bed and didn't wake up until 4:30 p.m. Lots of sleep... That was a week ago and now he's just starting to be able to eat normal. His mouth was really sore. Poor kid. I didn't feel quite as bad when the dentist told me, his had thirteen when he was about 2, he said probably genetic... guess that's my fault. Then this Saturday was Kylie's wedding reception... I got home to put kids to bed and about five minutes later Kodi swallowed a metal washer.... another trip to ER and more xrays and there was the little washer clearly in her tummy. So now my job is to check her diaper... disgusting until it hopefully comes out or else more xrays and who knows... Glad all this happened in Raymond hosp. or I'd be having social services coming over in Calgary.... Kids are fun. Kodi's had more radiation in two weeks then I think I've had in 24 years. But I guess thats kids.... I hope we're done with hospitals for awhile now.... Sorry pics are backwards in order...
Here's poor Houston still hasn't woke up from being put under at dentist. Almost every tooth got worked on. Poor kid... dental genes aren't so good.

Wow you have been through a lot! Now you get to go back and have a new baby there. The hospital is your second home eh. Your turning into me! lol
Holy poor Kodi, that is BRUTAL! She looks so sad too, hope she gets better quick! She hasn't had it easy lately eh?
Glad the detist went good. They must have done a lot of work or something way different than Kyla cuz she was eating the next day. Poor kids, lets hope you have better luck from now on!
That looks & sounds awful!! Those poor kids.....and you! Wow! Hopefully your family & hospital is done for good except for the inevitable coming up!
Missed you guys at parent preschool today? Are you not going in it this year? Or just taking a different class?
holy moly! hope you're holding up ok!
Kaylee - hopefully you're getting all this stuff over before the baby comes! You should be smooth sailing with 3!
Your kids are still darling, despite the bumps, bruises, etc!
awww, poor kodi. i went and looked at your pictures on kyla's website, adorable. hope you found the treasure in the diaper!
oh my. poor kodi! and houston too, but you can't tell how bad his was by looking at him! lol. i love the 8th day picture, it's seriously cute, because she is still smiling after that trauma!
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