Kodi posing at Surveyor's

Houston at lake at our house

Ice cream at the zoo

getting warm at the lake

Well I have five more weeks to wait... maybe more hopefully less... ;) Kodi keeps telling brett, "mommy's having a baby sister, daddy." houston knows its coming after my birthday on the 12th. so after that I'm sure his questions won't stop. We have a busy month before baby comes, houston has his dental surgery booked tuesday in leth, the morning after brett's labor day game, so i'll be driving home quick after game, dentist tuesday, i have pics i need to take in raymond for a few people, get my maternity ones done, kylies wedding saturday, sometime this week paint kodi's bed, change table, a couple dressers, then back up to calgary sunday to wait for this baby that i'm not ready for, no diapers or any of the normal things u need, and then wait, go to my appts, waitsome more, hopefully get all the things i need for when baby's born and after,
and hope brett's not gone on his four day road trip that's scheduled the day i'm due... oh and hope we will have a babysitter while i'm having this baby, and brett has a few games in between now and then too we'll be going to. I think I'm always feeling like the last month before is crazy like you'll never get all the things done before the baby comes, i'm sure everyone's like that too. Now summer is pretty much over, we went to Calaway Park today, last weekend kodi had to stay overnight in hospital cause she fell off my mom's 5 foot deck on her head, so she had to have some xrays and be observed for twenty four hours now she went from looking like in houston's words, "quazzemoto" to a boxer who's lost their fight, she has two black eyes and everyone stares at her thinking we must beat our kids. I'll post pics of that soon. i have tons of pics from summer but i'll just put up a few and next time kodis face pics, we take a new one everyday to show her progress... she tells me "my owies getting better mommy, no picture."
You sound like one crazy busy momma! At least it will make the last few weeks go by quickly. I'm coming home when Tatum has hers, hopefully I'll see you. Your kids are over the top cute! You better hope Houston gets really bad acne when he's in high school or else figure out a way to keep all the little hussies AWAY!
How sad is that for Kodi :( and you sure have been busy! Good luck with the timing of your baby & everything that comes with that!
Aw poor Kodi. Hope Houston's surgery goes well. And you are crazy busy! You don't have time for another baby! ;) Somehow we just do it all though. Well I would love to see those maternity pictures if you don't mind...
good luck and hopefully that baby comes at the right time for ya!
Aw, poor Kodi! At least kids have short-term memories and when they fall or get scraped they are like rubber-people and bounce back pretty quick! Good luck with that baby!
i'm dying to see kodi, derek said he saw her at the football game. your mom was telling me about it about it how bad she felt. good luck with everything. just call my sister susie in the middle of the night, she lives close doesn't she?
Poor Kodi, she is such a trooper & I still think she look adorable at church. Hope everything goes good for ya, you are super crazy busy. For real I am not far I can come at the drop of a hat. I know its hard when your family isn't a 2min. drive away, who can you count on & not feel dumb calling. Seriously I would love to help you out.
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